• September 06, 2023


The Health Services Workers’ Union as part of its Union’s policy decided to celebrate and give accounts on its achievements and challenges every year, hence the 2023 Anniversary has been slated from September 4 to 9, 2023. It is also a week to appreciate the contribution of the Government, Employers and Members as well as bring to light issues of challenges affecting the country.   

The theme for this year’s celebration is “Rising Together for Decent Work in the Digital Age” which is indeed thought-provoking and stimulating, especially for this modern world.

It must be noted that since 2014, global unions have identified the Future World of Work and digital transformation as a priority policy issue. But it is fair to say that digitalization is no longer an event that will take place in the future. Indeed, the future is now. In recent years the digital transformation of our economies has given this topic a new urgency in all our sectors, especially the health sector. Changes to the nature of the work and the quality of jobs are coming at a steady pace. These shifts have been accelerated by the pandemic, which hastened the adoption of online work and service delivery.

A cleaner may now clean only those parts of the building that have been used the previous day – as detected by a digital sensor and machines clean faster and better resulting in the employment of fewer workforce.

In some cases, workers are not necessarily seeing the scope of their jobs change, but are being pushed to work harder and faster, through technology designed to squeeze the greatest effort from their every minute at work.

In every circumstance, we believe that the Union and the employer as well as the government must be at the bargaining table to negotiate the impacts of these changes - to ensure that the new forms of work are safe, that workers have a wage with dignity, that schedules are fair, and that workers share in the gains of new efficiencies.

We cannot talk about digitalization and not talk about the issues of public sectors outsourcing most of the jobs to private organizations. We believe this poses a serious challenge to our members who are still in the system as they work more with few workers. Some of the outsourcing sectors are hospital orderlies, security, catering services, drivers and to mention but a few.

Based on the above issues raised the Health Services Workers’ Union wants to challenge the employer to consider the following:

 Employers must give sufficient notice before technology is introduced to allow time for an assessment relating to the impact on safety, expectations, job security, privacy, and other issues.

 Monitoring and data collection must be proportionate to legitimate business needs and the parties have to evaluate whether less intrusive means are available.

 Monitoring should be based on the premise that the work environment is based on mutual trust and respect.

 Workers should be informed about how much data is collected, its storage, and – most importantly – the purposes for which the data may be used based on the Data Protection Act.

 Digital monitoring should not generate discipline unless egregious or illegal conduct is involved.

 Workers must get the training and skills they need to remain employed and develop in the job.

 Digital literacy involves developing the skills and competencies to use digital technologies effectively and creatively.

 Furthermore, it is vital to adequately inform, consult and train workers and union representatives about algorithms and their application.

The HSWU aims to promote a fair and inclusive working environment that ensures no worker is left behind due to advancements in technology and management systems. A regulatory approach together with collective bargaining action are the keys to achieving an outcome that is ethical and safe. Through these measures, we can help safeguard workers from job displacement and ensure work with dignity while maximizing the benefits gained from new technologies.

In its entirety, decent work in a Digital Age must include a just transition that protects jobs and conditions and ensures that the gains made possible through digital technologies are widely and broadly shared.

We want to take this opportunity to congratulate our cherished members once again for their hard work and contribution to making the nation great and strong through quality healthcare delivery.

There are some other challenges the Union wishes to call on the government’s attention:

 Pension Scheme  

It must be noted that the Union continues to follow up on members’ retirement benefits and has realized that the government still owes the Health Sector Occupational Pensions Scheme for some months. This is affecting members’ retirement lump sum. Hence, we call on the government to refund the outstanding contributions to enable the hardworking members to enjoy their retirement.  

 Payment of Agreed Allowances in the MoU

The Union wishes to commend all the hospital facilities in the nation that are implementing the memorandum of understanding between the Union, Government, and Employers on some allowances for members. We call on all employers who are not complying to go by the MoU and implement it. We believe these are some of the motivations to encourage members to work hard for better growth.

 Implementation of Government and HSWU Collective Agreement

Partial implementation of the existing Collective Agreement between the Government, the Ministry of Health, and its Agencies, and the Union. We call on the government to ensure and assist the health facilities to go by the above agreement for it to be implemented fully.

Finally, the Union wishes all members a fruitful anniversary celebration.


Thank you.


Franklin Owusu Ansah

General Secretary